Spirit week is Sept 25-29. Here is a list of the dress up day themes. Please encourage your students to participate.
Menu Change:
Friday, 9/15/23
Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Breakfast Cookie
Sausage Patty
No School Monday, September 4, 2023!
Please see the update for students who qualify for reduced breakfast...it's now FREE.
*Menu Change*
French toast sticks for breakfast today, Friday, Sept. 1.
Don't forget! Parent Orientation tonight (Monday, Aug 28) at 6:30 pm in the Elementary cafeteria.
Mark your calendars! Parent Orientation Monday, August 28 @ 6:30.
Football season is here! We will have a pep rally at the elementary this Friday and each Friday there is a football game. The THS cheerleaders will be selling the items in the picture.
If your child needs bus services either to and from the country or the shuttle bus to the high school after school, please contact Camelia at 806-827-7400. If she doesn't answer, please leave a message. Also, you can email missy.cartwright@texhomaisd.net to let us know.
Free and Reduced Lunch Applications are available at:
If you need assistance please call Alma Porras at 806-827-7400.
The school supply lists for the 2023-2024 school year have been updated on the webpage.
Texhoma Elementary School is looking for the following positions:
* Certified Teacher (1st grade)
* Paraprofessional
* Cook
If interested please see the employment page (https://www.texhomaisd.net/page/employment-opportunities) on our website or call the office Monday-Thursday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm.
Big things are happening here on campus. Stay tuned for more updates!
If you have a student who will be 4 years of age by September 1, 2023, please call the office Monday - Thursday 8:00 am-3:00 pm or email missy.cartwright@texhomaisd.net to signup for a registration time for your student. The PK enrollment date will be Monday, July 24.
Texhoma ISD will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, June 7 for off-site training. Offices will reopen Thursday, June 8 at 8:00 am.
Field Day will begin at 8:30 today, May 18. Only races and relays will be run. There will not be field events. Spectators, please sit in the stands.
If you plan to take your child after the races, please let the teacher know so that we can get an accurate lunch count.
Don't forget Elementary Field Day is Rescheduled for Thursday, May 18 for all 1st-4th grade students. Field Day will be held at the Red Devil Football Field. We ask all spectators please stay off the field and sit in the stands. Running events will start promptly at 8:30 am.
Reminder: Early Dismissal May 18, 2023 @ 12:30
Each year we contract with Windows on a Wider World (WOWW) for field trips and assemblies. One of the assemblies was with the Science Guy. The kids got to see lots of fun experiments.
Lots of fun was had by our 3rd-grade class. They went on a walk and visited local businesses here in Texhoma.